International Conference “Situation of Ethnic and Religious Minorities in the Multinational Region” (Мoscow, may 2018)

Situation of Ethnic and Religious Minorities in the Multinational Region

Discussion topics

  • Respect for the rights of ethnic and religious groups in the Middle East and the North Caucasus.
  • Russian cultural policy for strengthening interethnic and interreligious peace.
  • Ensuring interethnic interreligious harmony in multinational regions.
  • Social and economic recovery of regions affected by religious and ethnic conflicts.



Representatives of the ethnic and religious of  Russia and the Middle East:

  • opinion leaders;
  • experts;
  • governmental agencies;
  • Businessmen;
  • media.


Expected outcomes

  • to establish Moscow as a platform for a civilizational and cultural dialogue between ethnic and religious groups from the Middle East;
  • to advertise positive results of Russian cultural policy and possibly transmit it into other regions;
  • to organize an international expert group helping to mitigate ethnic and religious conflicts;
  • to connect it with local civil societies, opinion leaders and media.

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